
The Defense

Created by New Pain Productions

Better Call Brad! A Defense Attorney for Super Villains takes a new case that may kill him. 28 page debut issue from New Pain.

Latest Updates from Our Project:

WAIT. Did we just hit our FUNDING GOAL?!
29 days ago – Fri, Feb 14, 2025 at 09:00:25 AM


A funny thing happened this morning. WE REACHED OUR FUNDING GOAL!!

A huge THANK YOU to our backers for helping us bring this project to life in only 4 days. This is (intentionally) a small, abbreviated campaign but we've been really blown away by the response to THE DEFENSE. Not just from you guys; Kickstarter named it a "PROJECT WE LOVE" within minutes of launch and even featured it in their email newsletter.

We've added our first stretch goal to the campaign page and also wanted to share it here. It's free stuff for all of you so we assumed you'd like to know. Drumroll's the big unveiling...

Backers of physical tiers will receive print copies. Digital backers will receive the digital version. Help us get there by sharing the campaign out. The more we scratch each other's backs, the less itchy we'll both be!

And don't forget out the "BACK BOTH BUNDLE!"

If you choose to also back our campaign for DAYBREAK! THE COLLECTED SERIES on Backerkit, you'll also receive copies of those three books above. Just leave the comment, "DEFENDING DAYBREAK!" on either campaign page and we'll lock it down for you. A bunch of you already have, don't miss out!

I know we sound like a broken record but at least we're playing a decent tune.

Have a great weekend, everyone. 

Your bestie,

Keith Champagne

Our first update!
about 1 month ago – Wed, Feb 12, 2025 at 07:02:17 AM


Thanks so much for backing the campaign for THE DEFENSE #1 and welcome to our very first update! I'm Keith and I'll be your plucky tour guide as we navigate the sometimes-choppy waters of crowdfunding. Things shouldn't get too treacherous though; the book is completely finished, proofread and the files are ready to go to print. Knock on wood, as long as the campaign funds, everything should be smooth sailing.

For those of you that have participated in our "BACK BOTH BUNDLE" and also supported the campaign for DAYBREAK! THE COMPLETE SERIES, we've verified your dual pledges and the three free books (JUMP #1, UNcovered #1, and THE OFFICIAL HANDBOOK OF THE NEW PAIN UNIVERSE #1) have been added to your accounts.  

If you haven't checked out the DAYBREAK! campaign yet but do decide to also back that project, make sure you circle back and leave the comment, "DEFENDING DAYBREAK!" on either campaign page. We'll make sure you get the extra books!

ALSO, when assembling the campaign (and this is my fault), we accidentally left our newest title, P.U.N.C.H. #1 (by myself and Defense color artist Rich Stahnke) off the First Issue Bundle reward. That's been rectified this morning. The price of the bundle hasn't changed but 48 more pages of fun are now included.

We seem to have crested that initial wave of enthusiasm that (luckily) kicked off this campaign so now comes the hard part: raising the rest of the funding goal. 

We're about 68% funded as these words are typed. The campaign will likely need another 30-35 backers to reach its goal. If any of you reading this are millionaires and want to be our sugar daddy, I have it on good authority that our partner Tom Nguyen is very sweet. 

Otherwise, the best way to help is to share the campaign with your comic-lovin' friends, store owners, what have you. It's always a struggle widening  the sphere of a campaign past our normal social media audience.  A word from you guys goes a long way.

Back soon with more news!

Keith Champagne